SIFF #6 Real-life coming of age movie. What stands out here is the subtle push and pull dynamics between modern values and conservative traditions. On one hand we have characters saying the "correct" things, like "we parents shouldn't interfere what our children want", or there seemingly is direct intervention from School teachers and folks from "People's Committee" aiming to protect children's rights, which makes you think that tradition, as it stands, maybe are merely performative traditions in this day and age. Until at the very end when the brutal sequence unfolds in front of our eyes, the camera and the parents of Di, who almost decides to do nothing.
无可挑剔的经典作品叙事手法让人吓一跳原本要大干一场结果却死了原来是5个月后蒙面唱将猜猜猜第五季经过同僚们的叙述他似乎活过来了但只活在公园妇女还有那个为他抱不平的下属心中 短短两个多小时讲了好多东西讽刺了政府办事的踢皮球家庭两代关系的误会与不理解人生有了终点之后的思维转变…更多的是对人生的思考渡边先生在最后的时刻回望过去30年的日复一日做不出一件为人称道的事特别是女同事的笑话让他更加认清现实自己只是一个可有可无的人弥留之际做成了一件值得为此赞颂并且近乎无可替代的事